Inspiring Mail. Beautiful Words. Stunning Illustrations. In your “real” mailbox!
Inspiration in your mailbox!
Every month you will receive a stunningly beautiful illustrated letter! Most letters will include fun stickers or post cards with my illustrations on.
As Cal Newport said, “The key to living well in a high tech world is to spend much less time using technology.” So let’s connect in the real world, with paper, ink and stickers.
The subscription literally covers the price of the printing and postage.
POSTAGE is for anyone, anywhere. Let's unite this global community!
P.S. I paint a water color or draw a comic each month and write a letter to accompany it. I copy it. I personalize each copy with your name and a note and pop it in the mail. Sign up now and I'll send out your painted letter within a few days. The letters are about seeing the magic in the everyday, and also my travels.
NOTE: You will receive a copy of the original art, not the original art. I can't possibly paint one letter for each person. That would take forever and be crazy-making. You'll get a beautiful personalized copy. This way, more people get fun mail for the price of a trip to Starbucks or Tims.
There is a different painted letter each month, each with a fun story, fun facts, quotes and inspiration!
So exciting. If I weren't making them, I would want to sign up to receive them!