5 things that have made me happy this week

It has felt like a long, but very productive week. I've been doing a juggling act balancing midwife appointments, painting for a huge illustration deadline, and unpacking the flat and studio.  This has necessitated numerous trips up and down a narrow ladder into the attic to fetch boxes of pots and pans, books, and other ephemera.  I'm sure my midwife would have a conniption if she saw me scaling those dizzying heights!

So, amid the effort to find order in chaos, I thought I'd share a few things I've been enjoying...

1.  This basil plant, purchased at Sainsbury's for one pound.  What can anyone buy for one pound these days?  Not much.  I'm so happy to have the company of its heavenly fragrance in my kitchen. I wonder how long I'll be able to keep it going?  

2. Unpacking my studio and discovering art supplies I never knew I had. It might instigate a whole new phase of experimentation in my artwork as I figure out how to use them. I've never gotten the hang of watercolour pencils, even though I use normal watercolour all the time.  Any pointers? 

3.  Celery and hummus.  This is my favourite afternoon snack right now.  I never used to have snacks, but now that I'm pregnant I seem to need to eat more often (or at least that's my excuse). I just love the watery crunch of the celery with the zesty, garlic hummus.  

4. Being back in this glorious country of Great Britain.  Over the 9 years I've lived here it has become a place of great comfort to me.  I just love the layers of culture and history that you can't find anywhere else. 

5.  The gradual emergence of order out of the chaos of our flat. I've been sorting and unpacking for days. I have a strong impulse to simplify and keep only that which is either beautiful or useful (thanks, William Morris, for the inspiration).  Everything else has been short-listed to the "charity shop" pile. There is a wonderful feeling of lightness to starting afresh with fewer possessions.  

What has made you happy this week? I'd love to know.

{antique British flags in Cape Town's St. George's Cathedral}