One of the things I look forward every afternoon is my daily FaceTime call with my Mom. We might live3912 miles apart, but we’re connected in spirit all the time. She is my best friend. She is the person I call when I have a random thought, and I need to tell someone. She is the person who understands when days are hard, and laughs when days are good.
I love that we can use our phones, and other digital devices to keep in touch. All those pixels, whooshing through space, transferring energy and love from Canada to England give me so much joy. And the fact that I can connect with all of you friends via a social media app, and share our daily adventures in creativity, gives me such a boost of inspiration every day.
So thank-you, Mom, for always being on the other side of the screen. And thank-you friends, for liking and commenting on my posts, and sharing your wonderful journeys on the internet. It makes the world feel so small and friendly!